
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Kingstons Animation

I have been learning to create a animation using google slides. The propose of this was to learn how to duplicate slides and add small changes to get a end result of a animation.First I added a man png and then duplicated the slide and moved the image slightly to get a movement like man and after about 20 minutes I had the start of a animation.


  1. Kia ora Kingston my name is Ben and I am from Paihia School. I like your blog post about your animation because at the start it looked like the man was going to fall over but instead he bowed I think, or did he throw the apple at himself? I also liked that when the other man ate the apple he shrunk and could fly. What was in the apple to make him able to fly. It was a excellent animation considering it was your first one. Good bye and keep up the good animations and blog posts.

  2. Hey Kingston again, My name is Harlem and I’m a year 6 student at Paihia School. I really like how your class and you are learning to do animation. I also do like doing animation to but sometimes it gets really difficult. Was it hard to do small movements for the characters and objects ?

    Blog you later keep up the great work and keep blogging Bye
